College Algebra Textbook

Welcome to Hendree's College Algebra Text book. This textbook is a mashed up version of a lot of resources on the web. There are 47 of tutorials covering topics that will be mastered over the course of the semester. Here is the table of contents.

Table of Contents

Each tutorial is setup in three parts to mimic the more standard experience in an on-ground math class. The parts are: textbook, lecture, and exercises.

There a couple of reasons to do this. One, the cost of math textbooks is obscene. Two, the same materials is out there on the web in various places. Three, I want you to become familiar with these sites  sites so you can use them in future math classes. The three sites you'll see most often in the tutorials are

West Texas A&M University's Virtual Math Lab
The Khan Academy
and Kuta Software

In addition, you'll see other sites mixed in when I find gaps in the above resources that need to be covered. I'm also trying to build in additional resources and fun into the tutorials when I can. Please keep your eyes open as you surf the web for anything I can use. Also let me know when one of the explanations isn't working for you. I can find or create something that can will give you a different way to understand the same topic.

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